Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Set subjects for 2013

Jan:             Wind / Wind
Feb:             Eyes/ Oë
Mar:             Texture / Tekstuur
Apr:             In the Mirror / In die Spieël
May:             Up close / Van Naby
Jun:              Inspired by a Song / Geinspireer deur 'n Liedjie
Jul:               Upside Down / Onderstebo
Aug:             Shadows / Skaduwees
Sep:             Wheels / Wiele
Oct:              Soft / Sag
Nov:             Three / Drie
Dec:              "Show-and-Tell" 

Used gear for sale

Canon 450D with Canon IS 58mm lens,
plus Canon 28-105mm lens, 
plus converter, with charger, battery, camera bag. 
Value of camera equipment is R5 500. 
For sale for R4 800. 
Contact: Keri 083 250 4117.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Winners November 2012

Congratulations to the winners of our November club competition:

Set Subject "Abstract" -- Cassi Goodman with "Wildfire":

1 Star -- Margie Conradie with "Ready to Launch":

2 Star -- Petro Pieters with "Kom Binne":

3 Star -- First Place
Sarah Goodman with "Aphid Patrol":

3 Star -- Second Place
Sandy Youngkranz with "Sunset over Southhead":

4 Star -- Cassi Goodman with "Baby Mantis":

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Paternoster International AV Festival – First announcement

The West Coast Photographic Society conjunction with the Pretoria AV Club is planning a festival of international Audio Visuals for the weekend of 14th-17th June 2013. A welcome social will take place on the Friday evening. Saturday and Sunday will be devoted to viewing AVs. A traditional West Coast meal will conclude the event on Sunday evening. Delegates will return home on Monday, a public holiday.

We hope to show the best of Australian, UK, Irish, Continental and, of course, South African AVs. There will be time to discuss each AV and the individual styles of each country. Late starts each morning will allow those photographers who want to get out early, to capture the photogenic Paternoster surrounds.

Festival packages, including B&B accommodation and all meals, will be announced shortly. Please diarise in the meantime.

Paternoster is two hours' drive from Cape Town and we hope many AV enthusiasts from the Cape and West Coast will join us for an entertaining weekend.

Koos Pieters 022 752 2027 / 083 9447944 jhpconsult@weskus.com 
Jeff Morris 012 803 2105 / 082 840 5459 pretoria.av.club@gmail.com 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Points & Star-grading after October 2012 meeting

Winners October 2012

Congratulations to the winners of our October club competition:

Set Subject "Black & White" -- Johan Coetzee with "Alone":

Open Category -- FIRST Place: Shannon Goodman with "The Wind in my Wheels":

Open Category -- SECOND Place: Adele van Schalkwyk with "Killer Claws":

Open Category -- THIRD Place: Adele van Schalkwyk with "Muddy Drink":

Monday, July 30, 2012

Points and Star grading after July 2012 meeting

Winners July 2012

Congratulations to our July winners:

1 Star -- Pieter Oosthuizen with "My World":

2 Star -- Barenda Schwartz with "Een Alleen":

3 Star -- Basson van Zyl with "Pastel Sunset":

4 Star -- Koos Pieters with "Fokus":

Set Subject -- Cassi Goodman with "Sunset Stripes":

Monday, May 14, 2012

Points and star grading after May 2012 meeting

Winners -- May 2012

Congratulations to all the May winners:

Set subject (Shadows) -- Heidi Engelbrecht with "Wispy Shadow":

2 Star -- Heidi Engelbrecht with "Tranquility":

3 Star -- Erna de Wit with "Slaap my Kindjie":

4 Star -- Koos Pieters with "Swartruggens":

Well done!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Points and Star Grading after April 2012 meeting

WInners April 2012

Congratulations to our April winners:

1 Star -- Heidi Engelbrecht with "Pretty Poppies":

2 Star - Leatitia Bester with "Plaaskind":

3 Star -- Adele van Schalkwyk with "Camera-shy":

4 Star -- Cassi Goodman with "Say Cheese!":

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Points and Star grading after March meeting

Winners March 2012

Congratulation to our March winners:

1 Star -- Zibbie Matthee with "Vroegaand Jacobsbaai":

2 Star -- Leatitia Bester with "Beach":

3 Star -- Joint Winners

Shannon Goodman with "Surfboard":

Piet van Heerde with "Taalpaal":

Basson van Zyl with "Into the Blue":

4 Star -- Cassi Goodman with "Fingerpainted Bug":

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ken-jou-kamera Werkswinkel

Ken jou kamera” werkswinkel vind plaas op Saterdag, 3 Maart ’12 by die Brinks se plaas buite Veldrif. Hierdie is ‘n geleentheid om jou kamera, sy funksies en al sy knoppies bietjie beter te leer ken. Hugo Germishuys sal dit aanbied met die hulp van ‘n paar ander helpers. Bring gerus ‘n piekniek mandjie en/of ‘n vleisie saam om op die kole te gooi vir middagete (hout en braai word voorsien).

Waar: Brinks se plaas (padaanwysings volg binnekort)

Wanneer: 3 Maart 2012

Hoe laat: 9 uur tot keelvol / moeg / kaput / g@tvol

Laat weet my asseblief as jy beplan om te kom sodat ons weet hoeveel mense om te verwag.

Bring gerus jou kamera se handleiding en al sy toebehore saam en jou driepoot as dit deel is van jou arsenaal.


Paternoster Outing Reportback

The Photoclub's outing to Paternoster on Saturday was well-attended, and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. It was great to get together with other people who don't find it funny when you get down flat in the sand for a better angle, or shoot a fishing boat from super close-up.
Some people already arrived at 7:00 to take advantage of the very-early morning light. There weren't many fishing boats going out, unfortunately. Probably something to do with the crayfish permits having been suspended or something. The outing was very informal, with nothing particular planned and no formal workshop component. At the "Know your Camera" workshop next month we hope to take care of the more technical aspects, with a bit of socializing thrown in too.
 Any suggestions for future outings are very welcome. Please mail them to me cassi@icon.co.za, and I will compile a list for the committee.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Winners -- January 2012

Congratulations to all the winners for January:

1 Star -- Tania Bloemhof with "Tranquility":

2 Star -- Laetitia Bester with "Ma se Kinners":

3 Star -- Basson van Zyl with "Broken":

4 Star -- Cassi Goodman with "Sunflower Seed Bug":

Set Subject (Wet) -- Nick Bester with "Waternat":

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Outing to Paternoster -- Sat 18 Feb 09:00

Please join us for an outing to Paternoster next Saturday. Nothing as formal as a workshop, but just a fun get-together to pick up some tips from the more experienced photographers perhaps, and to hopefully go home with a few cool photos.

We'll meet at the Paternoster Hotel at 09:00, but you're welcome to arrive earlier if you'd like to get some shots while the light is still perfect. The sun come up at about 06:20, and the hotel serves breakfast from 07:30.  

Anyone who wants to join later on in the day is also more than welcome. Just look for a bunch of people walking around shooting everything in sight. If they're all Japanese though, you probably have the wrong group.

Don't know what the weather is going to do, but make sure to bring some sun protection at least. 

If you'd like to stay the whole day and end the day with supper in one of the restaurants, I'd advise booking in advance as some of the restaurants get very busy on the weekends.

Looking forward to seeing you all here in "My Town".

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Salon: First Pretoria Super Circuit -- closes 18 Feb

Salon Calendar


First Pretoria Super Circuit


 All individual members of PSSA and all photographers resident in South Africa are invited to participate in the 1st Pretoria Super Circuit 3-in-1 Digital, Print and AV Salon 2012.

Digital Categories

Open Red

Nature General

Avant Garde


Street Photography

Sport and Aerial

Print Categories

Animal Portraits

Mono Human Portrait

Open Blue

Avant Garde

Photo Journalism

Nature General


Audio Visual Categories

A Story

A Comic

Circuit Director

Sarel Naude
email:  sareljnaude@gmail.com

Salon Calendar

Entries close 18 February 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Reminder about AGM

Ons herinner jou graag dat ons Algemene jaarvergadering beplan word vir Dinsdag 24 Januarie 2012 om 18:30 by die Ou Waenhuis in die NG Kerk kompleks in Vredenburg. Hierdie is jou geleentheid om deel te wees van die jaar se beplanning en jou stem uit te bring vir die bestuur van die klub. Jou teenwoordigheid is belangrik en ons sien jou graag daar. Laat weet asb. teen 15 Januarie of jy dit sal bywoon aangesien ons ligte verversings wil voorsit.

A reminder that or Annual General meeting is planned for 18:30 on 24 January 2012 at Die Ou Waenhuis at the NG Kerk complex in Vredenburg. This your opportunity to help plan the events for this year and to cast your vote for the committee. Your presence is important and we’d love to see you there. Kindly indicate by 15 January whether you wil attend as we plan to arrange some light refreshments.

Themes / Set Subjects for 2012

Feb:              Wet / Nat
Mar:              My Town / My Dorp
Apr:              Doors / Deure
May:             Shadows / Skaduwees
Jun:              Broken / Stukkend
Jul:               Lines / Lyne
Aug:             Street / Straat
Sep:             Curves / Kurwes
Oct:              Black & White / Swart & Wit
Nov:             Abstract / Abstrak