Adding a border around photos

Border around entries
Often difficulties arise when the adjudicator has to determine the composition of the entry and part of the photograph merges with the colour of the projector screen. For this reason it is advisable to add a border to your photograph before you enter it to the Club to be evaluated. How does one add a border?
There are more than one method, but here are two of them:
1. This method requires the software programme Adobe Photoshop.
a. Open the pic (photograph) in Photoshop.
b.  At the top click on the Layer menu.
c. Click on Duplicate Layer.It will open a small window that has Background copy highlighted. Click OK.
d. On the vertical window on the right, delete the Background layer by clicking on it and dragging it to the bottom right into the Recycle bin. You now  have the Background layer copy left.
e. In the vertical menu on the right you will note a symbol( fx )at the bottom of the panel. Click on this symbol. The window that opens has a number of options. Click on Stroke.
f. Another window opens. In the centre panel (headed Stroke ensure that Size is set at 3px and Position set as Inside. If the projected light on the screen shows up as white, change the Fill colour to Black (preferrably). If the projected light shows up as black, change the Fill colour to White. Click OK.
g. Now remember to save your pic after you have added the border.
h. Done.
2. Applying a simple narrow white border around pics for separating edge of pic from data projector  screen
a. Open required photograph
b. Ensure Background colour (tool bar on the vertical left of screen) is white.
c. Select  All
d. Select Modify Border 5 pixels
e. Select Refine Edge  Radius 0.0 px,     Contrast 100%  Smooth 0  Feather 0.0 px  Contract / Expand 0%

f. Click on Eraser tool (tool bar on vertical left of screen) and wipe across edge of selected borders.
g. Click Select and then Deselect
h. Click File, then Save for Web & Devices. Longest axis 700 px, Shortest axis automatically changes to a figure exactly or close to 469 px.