Judging Criteria and Requirements for Advancement

Judging Criteria and Requirements for Advancement

Star grading

Recognised Grades: 

* One star
* Two star
* Three star
* Four star
* Five star

Advancement of members:

1. A person joining the club will normally be classed as a one star worker.

2. If however, the new member has previously attained a higher grade in another Club,he/she may request that his/her previous work be considered. The member must thensubmit a panel of 12 images which have been rated at his/her previous club. Should thecommittee be satisfied with the standard of work thus shown, the author may then be placedin a grade as decided by the committee. The committee can ask one or more reputablejudges at the club to do the rating on their behalf.

3. A five-star worker in any medium shall start as a two-star worker in any other medium.

Guide to judging criteria for different star-gradings:

The following factors are to be considered in the respective ratings:

One Star:

1. Focus
2. Exposure
3. Cleanliness
4. Element of composition

Two Star: 
1. Focus
2. Exposure
3. Elementary composition (format, centre of interest, positioning of subject, lack of distracting background) etc.
4. Presentation -- picture clean and well presented.5. Some impact6. Some knowledge of when to crop

Three Star:
1. Focus and exposure
2. Composition
3. Technique
4. Colour harmony and colour balance
5. Idea, story and title of image
6. General presentation of image
7. Impact 
Basic requirement are taken for granted in this grade and without them, the photos will be penalised.

Four Star:
All the factors listed in the three star ratings but at a stricter standard. Composition, idea ofthe story, PLUS! Technique should be of a salon standard.

Five star:
Rating will be done on the same factors as for four star rating -- technique should now befaultless and ideas play a larger part etc. National salon standard PLUS.

Requirements for advancement in each grade:

One Star:
A total of 8 golds is required for advancement to Two Star rating.

Two Star:A total of 12 (new) golds is required for advancement to Three Star rating.

Three Star:A total of 20 (new) golds is required and proof of at least 10 Salon Acceptances is needed for advancement to Four Star rating.

Four Star: The requirements for advancement from Four to Five Star rating are as follows:A total of 35 (new) golds and proof of at least 30 cumulative Salon Acceptances is needed.

Five Star:The requirements for advancement from Five Star to Master are as follows:A total of 100 (new) golds and proof of at least 100 cumulative Salon Acceptances.