Thursday, November 24, 2011

Year-end Function - Fri 9 Dec 2011 - The Farmhouse Hotel, Langebaan

Die Jaareindfunksie sal by The Farmhouse op Langebaan gehou gaan word en wel op 9 Desember 2011. Die tyd: 18h30 vir 19h00.

Die formaat van die aand sal gelukkige trekkings insluit en ook die beste tien foto’s van die jaar sal aangekondig word. ‘n Onafhanklike, ervare beoordelaar van Paarl Fotografieklub sal al die goud - wenners deur die jaar se foto’s evalueer en die beste tien dan aanwys.

NB! Laat weet my asseblief so spoedig moontlik wie die aand saam met ons sal geniet ten einde die korrekte getal aan The Farmhouse te kan deurgee.
Vegatariese disse is ook beskikbaar. Ek verwag die spyskaart daarvoor teen eerskomende Vrydag en sal dit aan die lede ter sprake deurstuur.


Friday, November 4, 2011

PSSA Audio Visual Convention in Victoria West, 17th to 21st March 2012

PSSA  Audio  Visual  Convention  in Victoria West, 17th to 21st March 2012

The Audio Visual Convention 2012 in Victoria West will run from Saturday 17. March starting at midday with some official matters, possibly a club reps. meeting, the official opening and shows in the afternoon and evening. We will have lectures and workshops by qualified AV makers until Tuesday evening, leaving Wednesday the 21. to travel back home, filled with ideas and enthusiasm to make better / new AV shows. 

Our lecturers and workshop leaders are all actively involved in Audio Visual, either as media professionals or as dedicated amateurs.
Whilst the mornings are for lectures, we will have some more presentation in the form of short demos and longer practical workshops in the afternoons. You can read about that on the PSSA Website, AV Division.  HYPERLINK "" 

The evenings we set aside mostly for you to show your work, which is a very important aspect of this AV Convention.  We are encouraging all the AV makers - novice to experts - to show AVs, even if some of them are "works in construction".  If you like, you can get advise, or you can tell the other delegates your ideas of making AVs.
As the AV Conventions are fairly short events, we do not cater specifically for “free time”. If you want to explore the area a bit more, you could combine the Convention with a short holiday. 

Please register as soon as possible for this Convention.  For catering we have space for 80 delegates, but the Apollo Theatre can cope with many more. 

For accommodation: victoria west south africa accommodation  will take you to various sites.

More detailed information as regards to lecturers and their themes, pictures and the registration form will be on the PSSA Website in the next few days.

Please direct enquiries to: Paul Rixom, Chairman of the AV Convention
e-mail:  HYPERLINK ""  phone:   044 – 877 0994   mobile:  072 – 525 0016 

We are looking forward to see you there. Thomas Niemeyer, Chairman AV Division, 4. Nov. 2011 

Find.TheModel Photography Competition

Good evening,

Please find attached a press release from Find.Themodel about the photographers competition we launched yesterday.

The Photographers competition runs over the next 6 months and photographers can win their share of R27,000.

We would appreciate if you would please be so kind as to inform your club members of this opportunity.