For more info, see the PSSA website.
- Title:
- Bethlehem Fotografieklub Digital Salon
- When:
- 19.February.2011
- Where:
- Bethlehem Fotografieklub - Bethlehem
- Category:
- Salon
Categories and Definitions:
Category a – Nature - Excluding Birds and Landscapes (Digital Manipulation not allowed)
Images must be of animals, insects, reptiles, botany or marine life, so that a well informed person could testify as to its true representation. (Specifically excluded are birds, nature landscapes, artificially produced hybrid plants or animals, domesticated or farm animals, mounted specimen or obviously set arrangements)
Category b – Nature – Birds only (Digital Manipulation not allowed)
Images must be of birds, so that a well informed person could testify as to its true representation. (Specifically excluded are domesticated or farm animals, mounted specimen or obviously set arrangements)
Category c – Landscapes (Digital Manipulation not allowed).
A landscape could be described as a combination of geological, biological and culture-historical elements, forming a unity in a certain area as one vista. Weather and time are an inescapable part of a landscape. The landscape is never without the particular light of that particular moment. Season is important as well – the colours, the height of the sun, the activities of the landscape’s inhabitants. Landscape photography is no longer just about the beauty of nature, but also the depiction of natural landscape as seen from an urban dweller’s point of view. The traditional conduct of landscape photography was unified and harmonious, but it may now be portrayed as cluttered and confused – a change owed to the development of technology and the changes it has effected to our world.
Category d – People (Digital Manipulation not allowed on Photojournalism images)
The human element must be the prominent subject. The images would typically include portraits, groups, fashion, news events, people at work, and people at leisure (incl. sport). The image must reflect some degree of emotion such as love, joy, sadness, hate, ecstasy, etc.
Category e – Pictorial (Digital Manipulation allowed) Pictorial photography is the use of the photographic medium as an art form. The emphasis is on interest, visual impact, composition, personal interpretation and technical excellence. Images in the Pictorial Category are not confined to any particular subject, type or style of photography. Pictorial photography is not just about the information contained by the images, but rather about the effect and the mood they translate.
Category f – Picture Set (Digital Manipulation allowed)
A picture set is a series of photographs dealing with one subject. It may tell a story, present an event, describe a scene, reveal a person etc. An entrant entering this category must enter a minimum of 3 and maximum of 4 images. The images will not be judged individually, but as a unit. The point awarded will be applied to each image though.
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