Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April meeting

Results of our April meeting

The judge for the evening was Le Roux Malan.

Set category theme for April: Fill the Frame

Winning image:

Petro Pieters with Live to Ride. Certifiate of Merit, 27 Points.

5 photos scored 26 points.

They were 

Adrian Venter with 2 photos:  The catch and Smiles 

In love with you : Hanneli Denner

The Center piece: Michael Germishuys

Kleuter konsentrasie : Anna-Marie Muller

In the open category, the winning images were:

Heidi Prinsloo - Delicate, COM 27 points.

In second place:  Erna Richter with Vinke kerel, also COM, 27 points.