Friday, July 29, 2011

Tips for getting out of a photography rut

Every photographer hits a wall at one point or another. Here are a few tips to keep things fresh and new.

1. Try something new, get out of your comfort zone. You’ve been photographing nature for years? Try some street photography!

2. Meet other photographers and go on photo walks. It doesn’t have to be a large group. Get together with two or three other people who share the same passion and experiment with different photography genres. Meet regularly and choose a different theme each time: Street photography one week, landscape photography the next! You will learn something new from fellow photographers and getting together will help keep the passion for photography alive.

3. If you own a DSLR, try renting a new lens for a weekend to experiment with something totally different. It can be a fisheye or a macro lens, a special effect lens or a super telephoto. They are big investments and renting for a weekend or a few days is quite affordable and the best way to know if you are ready to make the investment. Try your local camera store or any reputable online rental services such as Check for special deals.

4. Write a list of things you’ve never photographed before and make it a point to learn the techniques to achieve those shots. I’ve been doing this for a while and my list still includes a lot of interesting things to discover such as panoramic photography or time lapse. I recently discovered macro photography and it opened a whole new world of possibilities in my own backyard. I discover something new every time I put the macro lens on my camera! There are many techniques you can learn that don’t require any new equipment and such as light trails, light painting, etc. Just be open to trying new things.

5. Get you hands on a film camera and a roll of film and limit yourself to 36 exposures for a day. You will learn the importance of getting it right in camera. If nothing else, you will realize how incredibly flexible digital really is!

6. Pick a theme and get out on your own. You can pick to only shoot things that are yellow, just feet, people with hats, dogs… The sky is the limit. This exercise will help you see things differently and the results may surprise you.

7. Mentor someone. Give a camera to a child. Take them out to shoot. You may spark a life-long passion and you may learn a thing or two about yourself in the process.

8. Give back to your community, volunteer to photograph a local event for a charity for example.

9. If you can afford it, sign up for a photography workshop in a field you are passionate about or to learn something completely new.

10. Start a project that will force you to shoot more, such as a 365 day project. Share your project through social media or a blog. The more you shoot, the more you are going to want to shoot. Push yourself and set a goal to put all those images in a book when you are done. Pat yourself in the back, it’s a big accomplishment!

11. Look at the work of others. They may be famous or unknown, the goal is not to copy their work but to draw inspiration from it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Krugersdorp National Salon- entries close 6 Aug 2011

Krugersdorp National Salon
Krugersdorp Camera Club - Krugersdorp


KRUGERSDORP CAMERA CLUB invites all members of PSSA and all photographers resident in Southern Africa to participate in their Sixth National Digital Salon of Photography. The Salon will be conducted in accordance with the requirements and practices of PSSA.


  • Nature General - No Birds
  • Nature - Birds Only
  • Pictorial - General
  • Pictorial - Human Portraits
  • Pictorial - Photojournalism (PJ)
  • Manipulated Nature

Salon Director

Willem van Zyl
(c) 082 452 4050

Salon Calendar
Entries close Midnight, 06 August 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

Winners July 2011

Congratulations to the winners of the July 2011 club competition:

Winner 1 Star -- Leatitia Bester's "Langpad":

Winner 2 Star -- Susan Thiart's "Rooibakkie":

 Winner 3 Star -- Adele van Schalkwyk's "Reflection":

Overall Winner -- Basson van Zyl's "Winter Days":

All the other entries van be viewed here.
The points and star grading page is here.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Next Digital Salon details


Highveld Digital Images Salon


The Highveld Photographic Society cordially invites all members of the Photographic Society of South Africa (PSSA) and other individual photographers resident in South Africa to participate in this National Digital Salon of Photography. The Salon will be conducted in accordance with the requirements and practices of PSSA.



Nature - Birds Only

Photo Journalism


Salon Director
James Harris LPSSA
082 903 1926 (c)

See here for the rules and regulations.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

South African Salons

If you would like to start entering South African salons, here's a few pointers:

*  Check the salon calender on the PSSA's website.
*  Register with This is where you need to enter your photos for most of the South African salons. Registration is free.
*  Login to photovaultonline and upload your photos. Resize them as per the salon requirements first.
*  Go to "My entries" and select the salon you want to enter.
*  Pay the salon entry fee -- normally R20-R30 per category. Save your EFT receipt to your computer and upload the file as proof of payment.
*  Select the photos you want to enter.
*  Keep your fingers crossed. :-)